Motilal & Associates LLPMotilal & Associates LLPMotilal & Associates LLP



A significant amount of work has been undertaken in recent years to review and improve the local government sector. We provide the Government with end to end consulting services to help them to implement reforms in an effective and timely manner with desired goals achieved. Local self-government has high administrative cost without any significant right to raise tax thereby high dependence on state and central institutions for finance. Authorities are highly indebted and defaulted due to mismatch of intake . allocate and utilize. We lay a strong emphasis on decentralization and the strengthening of Local Authorities backed by independence finance management and incorporating international best practices. We at MARCKS Network have assisted various local bodies in innovative fundraising programs and innovative land leasing agreements to generate employment.

Get In Touch

Motilal & Associates LLP, 2nd Floor, Senior Estate, 7/C Parsi Panchayat Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400069
91679-66660 / 022-46090275
Saturday - (10: 30 am - 06 pm)